Project Description
AugCards is a card game development tool where users can create their own cards
and build custom games to be played on Android devices with multiplayer capabilities
and AR supported visuals. The tool transforms the user-designed game logic and cards
into AR multiplayer mobile games that can be played instantaneously by a group of
friends around a table. Users can share the games they created for other people
to see and play. AugCards eliminates the need to buy physical equipment for any
card game and gives the user the opportunity to create and customize their own cards.
Thanks to the AR system, the experience of playing a game will feel very similar to
playing a game with a group of friends around a table, as the cards and effects will
all be animated and displayed to the user. Furthermore, by using systems similar to
flowcharts, we intend to make expressing complex rules of the game less of a challenge
for creators. The project will consist of two applications: one desktop application
and one Android application. The game making part, where the user designs their
own assets, cards, events, triggers, set of game rules, and card properties,
will be provided via the desktop application. The users can then use the
complementary AugCards mobile app to see the AR visuals and cards on the
table and play the game.